
Cold Lipolyzing Gel - Luis Bien

16.00 USD
16.00 USD

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Cold Lipolysis Gel – Regional Slimming with Cold Lipolysis Gel
Permanent Solution to Regional Lubrication Problem with Cryolipolysis Gel Cryolipolysis gel is designed to prevent regional lubrication problem. By penetrating under the skin, it allows the fat cells in the desired area to be frozen and removed from the body. It helps to tighten the skin while supporting regional slimming. In this way, it aims to prevent the formation of sagging and wrinkles in the thinned area. With Cold Lipolysis Gel, you can achieve a slim and firm body. What Does Cold Lipolysis Gel Do?
It allows the fat cells to freeze and break down.
Frozen fat cells are excreted from the body.
It helps regional slimming.
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